Thursday, October 4, 2007

Pictures taken with a disposable camera

Here are some pictures I took of a September sunset, and a spider in its web during the night. These spiders are cool, they build webs under trees, so that the wind will bring insects into them. We saw a web one night that used an ingenius method, a hanging leaf had been snared/tethered to hang freely and work as a counterweight because it was too far from the trunk to anchor to, and not close enough to the ground or anything else also.

More pictures taken with a disposable camera

I took these photos last month of Dad's flowers. Looking at them gave me mixed feelings. Sadness because before Dad wouldn't ever let his garden get so overgrown, and I know some of his joy has gone out of it since Mom died. But I was also happy to see flowers growing despite the sadness.


Yep, this is me:

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